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 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, October 7-10, 2012, Dresden, Germany



General Chair
Manfred Weihnacht
IFW Dresden
Dresden, Germany
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Technical Program Chair
Mauricio Pereira da Cunha
University of Maine
Orono, ME, USA
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Finance Chair
Mark Schafer
Sound Surgical Technologies
Philadelphia, PA, USA
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Short Course/Tutorial Chair
Roman Maev
University of Windsor
Ontario, Canada
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Marjorie Passini Yuhas
Industrial Measurement
Aurora, IL, USA
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Exhibits/Publicity Chair
Sorah Rhee
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Cincinnati, OH, USA
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AudioVisual/Web Chair
Oliver Keitmann-Curdes
Siemens A/S
Nordborg, Danmark
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Local Arrangements Chair
Hagen Schmidt
IFW Dresden
Dresden, Germany
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As of March, 2012

2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, October 7-10, 2012, Dresden, Germany

Final Call for Papers - Abstract Deadline: May 4th, 2012

The Ultrasonics Symposium returns to Germany, now to Dresden from October 07 - 10, 2012. The conference will be held at the International Congress Center, situated at the margin of the Elbe river and close to the historical center of Dresden. The site provides both a great venue for our conference and unparalleled access to all that Dresden has to offer.


Papers are solicited for this conference describing original work in the field of ultrasonics. Poster and oral presentation formats will be used at the symposium. Prospective authors should note that poster sessions provide an alternative format which allows for greater flexibility and expanded audience interaction.


The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 04, 2012. The abstracts should be submitted in electronic form according to the specific information posted on the conference web page. Additional conference information can be found at the Symposium web site: http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/ius_2012. Each abstract will receive careful review and evaluation by the Symposium Technical Program Committee. Evaluation criteria will include originality of the work, contribution to the state-of-the-art, and overall interest to the ultrasonics community.


Authors are required to concisely divide their abstract into three sections: I. Background, Motivation and Objective; II. Statement of Contribution/Methods; III. Results/Discussion. In these three sections the authors must clearly and concisely explain the motivation and background, the contribution of the work and methods, and the results and conclusions of the paper. Papers are solicited from the following subject classifications:


Group 1: Medical Ultrasonics

MBB Medical Beamforming and Beam Steering
MBE Biological Effects & Dosimetry
MBF Blood Flow Measurement
MCA Contrast Agents
MEL Elastography
MIM Medical Imaging
MPA Medical Photoacoustics
MSD System & Device Design
MSP Medical Signal Processing
MTC Medical Tissue Characterization
MTH Therapeutics, Hyperthermia, and Surgery

Group 2: Sensors, NDE & Industrial Applications

NAF Acoustics Microfluidics
NAI Acoustic Imaging
NAM Acoustic Microscopy
NAS Acoustic Sensors
NDE General NDE Methods
NEH Energy Harvesting
NFM Flow Measurement
NMC Material & Defect Characterization
NSP Signal Processing
NTD Transducers: NDE and Industrial
NWP Wave Propagation


Group 3: Physical Acoustics

PAT Acoustic Tweezers
PBW Bulk Wave Effects & Devices
PGP General Physical Acoustics
PLP Physical Acoustics Laser Interactions
PMI Magnetic/Electromagnetic Interactions
PNA Nano Acoustics
POI Optical Interactions
PPN Phononic Crystal Devices
PTF Thin Films
PTM Novel Transducer Mechanisms
PUM Ultrasonic Motors & Actuators

Group 4: Microacoustics – SAW, FBAR, MEMS

ADA Device Applications
ADD Device Design
ADM Device Modeling
AMP Materials & Propagation
AMS Microacoustic Sensor Devices & Applications

Group 5: Tranducers & Transducer Materials

TMC Materials Characterization & Fabrication
TMI Medical ImagingTransducers
TMO Modeling (Analytical & Numerical)
TMU Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers
TFT Thick Film Piezo-Technology
TPF Applications of Piezoelectric & Ferroelectrics
TTT Medical Therapeutic Transducers


Message from the General Chair

Every year when the worldwide IEEE ultrasonics family comes together, the local surroundings create a specific atmosphere. In Dresden you will feel the special ambience of our venue: A unique city filled with theaters, museums, collections and music halls with international recognition ideally frames our congress. Tradition and innovation merge to a creative spirit that gives wings to both art & culture, and - in our case - to research & science.


The Dresden conference will be a platform to present, communicate and discuss new ideas, challenges, and scientific results in the rich field of ultrasonics. In good tradition all topic areas including medical ultrasound, physical acoustics, nondestructive testing, microacoustics, sensors and actuators, new materials, functional principles, and technologies will be represented.


We will draw special attention to the conference within Dresden with its thriving research landscape of science and technology and expect a high attendance from Germany and throughout Europe.


It is noteworthy, that Dresden will be the first city from a  former Eastern Bloc state to organize and host the Ultrasonics Symposium. Needless to say, that this conference is a reward of the peaceful revolution in 1989. The Dresden Frauenkirche as a famous work of architecture that has become a symbol of the worldwide support and friendship which facilitated its rebuild only a few years ago will provide a wonderful venue for us to come together and enjoy music.


Come to Dresden! Bring your colleagues, your friends, your spouses with you!


Manfred Weihnacht

Student Travel Support: Limited funds are available to support IEEE UFFC student attendees at the 2012 symposium. Awards will be made on a competitive basis. Further information will be posted on the conference website.
Student Paper Competition: Students submitting abstracts are invited to participate in a student paper competition. To participate, the student must be the lead author and present the paper. Further information will be posted on the conference website.
International Participants: Please visit the Symposium website for updated information regarding invitation letters, and apply in advance if you need a visa to travel to Germany.


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Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Werkstoffnamen
(Werkstoffe für die thermische Energiespeicherung).
Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Märkten,
auf denen Werkstoffe aus Metallschaum gebraucht werden.
Unternehmen: finden von Möglichkeiten, um den
Abfüllvorgang einer hochviskosen Flüssigkeit zu beschleunigen.
Kommune mit > 500.000 Einwohnern: finden von regionalen
IT-Unternehmen und clustern der Interessen
Unternehmen: automatisches Verschlagworten
von Dokumenten im Intranet
Unternehmen: Vergleich des internen Wissens
mit dem Wissen von Wettbewerbern.
EU-Projekt einer Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft:
Verfahren, um Regionen mit gleichen Kenntnissen und
Interessen sichtbar zu machen.
IHK: finden von regionalen Automobilzulieferern
und clustern der Interessen
Hochschule: finden von passenden Partnern
für ein EU-Entwicklungsvorhaben.
Unternehmen: Innovationsaudit zur Ausrichtung
der Unternehmensstrategie auf Megatrends.
Ablagesystem für studentische Abschlussarbeiten
Expansion und / oder Marktanpassung im Verlauf einer Unternehmensnachfolge
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